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Customer Care Use Case

Customer service departments and other areas of the organization responsible for customer care sometimes have to respond to complaints about rudeness or other inappropriate behaviors that took place over the phone. If your organization uses Cisco®️ IP phones - CRA can help!

Are you receiving phone-based complaints, and you don't have a way of finding out who that caller is?

Are you struggling with finding how many interactions this specific customer has had with your organization?

Do you have an easy way of obtaining call logs between your organization and this customer?

Normally, obtaining this information is specifically difficult if your company sends that main number as the outgoing caller ID for all phone calls. Call Record Analyzer (CRA) can give your department access to this call data to empower your staff to get answers to these questions. CRA offers a quick search feature to give your staff access to calling and called information.

Call Record Analyzer dashboard showing received calls report

Quick Search Report Overview: Running a Report

In the Reports section there are three tabs: "Received Calls", "Dialed Calls", and "All Calls"

  • Received Calls Tab: For searching of calls made to a specific number
  • Dialed Calls Tab: For searching of calls made from a specific number
  • All Calls Tab: For searching both made and received calls from specific number

Once the desired tab is selected then choose your date range, optional departments, and optional phone number criteria and run the report. The following is a generated report example:

Call Record Analyzer dashboard showing call result breakdown report


CRA's mission is to provide easy access to Cisco Call Diagnostics Records (CDR) and Call Management Records (CMR). These records are created by most Cisco devices and additionally, multiple CMR records are created for the same phone call. CRA provides meaningful reporting, monitoring, and illustration access to these records, which makes CRA ideal for customer care staff and customer service management.