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CRA Use Cases

Help Desk | Customer Care | Telecom Teams

Call Record Analyzer (CRA) can be used in help desks, customer care, and telecom to analyze call records. It improves help desk performance by identifying common issues and enhancing customer service. In customer care, CRA tracks sentiment and call resolution times. In telecom, it detects network issues and optimizes performance. Overall, CRA boosts customer satisfaction and operational efficiency by extracting insights from call data.

help desk worker on a computer with a headset on
Help Desk 
CRA enables help desk an intuitive way of performing troubleshooting tasks in response to reported phone call-related problems.
woman angry and yelling at a phone
Customer Care 
See how CRA can help customer care departments respond to rudeness complaints that took place over the Cisco phone system.
telecom team working at computers with headsets on
Telecom Teams 
CRA empowers telecom teams with the ability to troubleshoot more efficiently by having visual meaningful call record information.

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