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Telecom Team Use Case

Today telecom users have many ways of communicating and interacting: email, instant messaging, Slack, WebEx, Teams, telepresence video, and of course by IP phone. Call Record Analyzer helps illustrate the importance of Unified Communications to your organization.  CRA will clearly and quickly show current talk time, number of processed phone calls, number of made and received calls, etc.

Call Record Analyzer offers dashboards that show total phone usage to quickly answer the following:

How many phone calls were made in the last 12, 24, 48 hours?

How many minutes did the users spend talking on the phone?

Which numbers are dialed the most? Which received the most number of calls?

Which endpoints are used the most? Which endpoints made the most calls?

CRA also can be used as a useful troubleshooting tool. The following are a few real-life examples from instances of how CRA was able to help resolve issues:

CASE SCENARIO #1: The number of electronic faxes with errors has dramatically increased.

Troubleshooting Scenario:

1. Take a quick look at the CRA dashboard indicating an increased number of calls with latency (depicted below)

Pie chart displaying network performance

2. Closer examination of the calls with latency indicated that they are ALL related to the Right FAX server shown below:

Latency call list with a breakdown of a list of calls

3. Since no other UC endpoints indicated increased latency, the network was pulled out as the source of the problem. Closer examination of the VMWare environment hosting the RightFax server revealed the source of the issue.

CRA's mission is to provide easy access to Cisco Call Diagnostics Records (CDR) and Call Management Records (CMR). These records are created by most Cisco devices and additionally, multiple CMR records are created for the same phone call. CRA provides meaningful reporting, monitoring, and illustration access to these records which makes CRA ideal for telecom team management.